mindset 10 Leadership Styles Every Manager Needs to Know Explore 10 crucial leadership styles for managers, from autocratic to coaching, to boost productivity and balance efficiency with well-being in the workplace.
mindset Great Leaders Make People Feel Safe Learn from great leaders: unlock effective leadership by creating a safe environment for your team. Learn how personal growth fosters innovation, trust, and mutual respect.
coaching Managing Expectations: 5 Steps to Effective Communication and Understanding Learn how to effectively manage expectations in professional relationships with these essential tips. Clarify, communicate, provide support, ensure commitment, and establish clear roles and responsibilities for a successful partnership
management 7 Leadership Lessons from the Fields: Advice from Farmers Leadership can be compared to being a farmer in the sense that both require patience, dedication, and a long-term perspective.
kindness Kindness is a hidden software engineering superpower Kindness is a hidden superpower for software engineers. It helps your peers feel safe, and if they feel safe people take the risks that enable efficient, honest communication and thus real collaboration.
mindset How to stop winning arguments We tend to treat arguments as fights or zero-sum games which hinders their original purpose. We should stop doing that.
coaching The stories we tell ourselves We have a mechanism that creates unhappiness, difficulty changing habits, relationship problems, frustration, anger and disappointment. We are usually not aware of this, but it is happening continuously and in all of us.
coaching Excuse no. 13 - this is how I am Don't limit yourself with excuses. How you are can change and it is completely up to you.
mindset Staying motivated while growing The key to progress is the temptation of constant challenge, with tasks that remain both achievable and interesting, broken up into pieces of work that are just right.
coaching Engineering managers, stop coding! Try this instead: every time you feel the urge to write code, instead spend the time reading or learning something related to management.