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Great Leaders Make People Feel Safe

Learn from great leaders: unlock effective leadership by creating a safe environment for your team. Learn how personal growth fosters innovation, trust, and mutual respect.

Return to the office

The Office Odyssey: Return, Resist or Remodel?

Explore research on the impact of office spaces on employees’ psychological and physical states. Learn why a one-size-fits-all approach to workspaces may be counterproductive, and discover how designing diverse, inspiring environments can boost productivity, well-being, and creativity.

Product Development Fallacies

4 Product Development Fallacies

There are some fallacies about product development I’ve faced over my career that not only make daily work harder but actually have a toxic effect on both culture and processes.

The stories we tell ourselves

The stories we tell ourselves

We have a mechanism that creates unhappiness, difficulty changing habits, relationship problems, frustration, anger and disappointment. We are usually not aware of this, but it is happening continuously and in all of us.

Learning At Work Is Work

Learning At Work Is Work

Constant learning and having a growth mindset are fundamental to success in software engineering. Yet once you are done with onboarding at your new job as a software engineer the rat race seems to begin, leaving no dedicated time for learning.

Questions vs. Directions

Questions vs. Directions

Asking questions is a basic coaching technique but doing it properly is a matter of practice, finding a good balance and avoiding some common pitfalls. As with most of the things in life.

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